Personal Training

Whether you are looking to feel better, lose weight, improve your core strength, increase overall functional movement, or perform better for a specific sport or activity, our nationally certified personal trainers will help you reach your goals. Scheduling is flexible and sessions are available in 60-minute increments.


What to Expect

To inquire about personal training or to begin training at Ethos, email us at We will ask you to create your account with us through the TeamUp software and you can sign our participation waiver electronically. You will also be required to submit proof of vaccination before attending any training sessions. 

We will then send you an email asking about your health/fitness goals, your availability, and your health history to help us better understand your exercise history and needs. We will match you with a trainer, or you may request one from our staff (subject to the trainer’s availability and match with your schedule).

Your first session will include a discussion of your goals and health history, as well as a brief functional movement analysis so that your trainer can design a customized program for you. For the first appointment and each subsequent session, you will schedule training sessions directly with your Ethos trainer.


Small Group Training

Invite a friend or two and make your training sessions more fun! Working out with a friend will keep you accountable and add a level of friendly competition to your training. For maximum effectiveness, we strongly recommend that partners have similar fitness goals and be of similar fitness levels. 

Training Space

The Ethos Fitness space is semi-private, located adjacent to our cycling space, and is outfitted with functional fitness equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, a TRX suspension training system, medicine balls, BOSU trainers and more. A wide variety of equipment, including access to cardio equipment (bikes, rowers) to meet all your fitness needs.



1 session:          $70

5 sessions: $325

10 sessions:      $600

2-Person (total price per session)

1 session:          $90

5 sessions:        $400

10 sessions:      $700

3+ Person (total price per session)

1 session:          $115

5 sessions:        $450

10 sessions:      $750